August 22 Return to In-Building Services

Good afternoon everyone. In-building Bible Classes and Worship services will resume Sunday on our normal schedule.
As a reminder, COVID remains a prevalent and deadly disease; especially for the unvaccinated. And, hospital ICU beds in the area are limited, even to the point of being non-existent at times.
For the protection of all the congregation’s loved ones, the elders encourage our unvaccinated members, those who may be vulnerable to COVID complicating factors, and those who provide care for such folks to consider participating in the worship assembly by conference call, church web video, or Face Book Live Video. In addition, everyone choosing to physically attend the worship services are requested to wear their masks, sanitize their hands frequently, and practice social distancing.
Indications are that this surge in COVID cases is worse than any so far.
Let’s all be loving, understanding and diligent to do our part to consider and protect one another. We look forward to everyone’s participation in classes and worship together on Sunday. May the Lord continue to bless you during these difficult days.


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